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Frequently Asked Questions




Is your school accredited?

SSNS has a Certificate of Approval from the Maryland State Board of Education and is licensed by the Maryland Department of Human Resources.

Do you have a discipline policy?
The goal at SSNS is to help students learn to behave in useful and acceptable manners while allowing them to develop at the pace that is right for them.  We maintain a low teacher to student ratio so that teachers and co-oping parents are always close by and can help children who are struggling to find better ways of handling challenges and conflicts.  Teachers at SSNS work with the students' families to develop and align support plans and methods.


Does the school provide transportation?
The school does not have transportation services. Parents often arrange carpools and the school assists in this by providing membership lists to each family.


If I have an emergency and can’t make my co-op shift, what can I do?
You may trade your shift with another parent or pay for a substitute.  The school provides contact information for approved substitutes.

Can I bring my infant when I co-op?

Unfortunately, no.


Can I bring my mandolin or my quilting?
Please do! Parents are encouraged to share their special talents. Do remember to share your idea with the teacher before you come to co-op.


My doctor has not filled out the health forms yet. Can my child attend school? Can I co-op?
NO. State regulations require that health and immunization forms for children as well as TB test results for cooping parents be at school before the child may attend.


Are you affiliated with the Unitarian Church?
While we have rented space from UUCSS for more than 35 years and maintain a healthy relationship, we have no official affiliation.


Is it ok to come in and stay for part or all of the morning if it is not my co-op day?

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