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Parent Responsibilities


Each family is responsible for:

  • Co-oping once every two weeks

  • A job that contributes to the operation of the school

  • 3 school clean-ups per year

  • Attending membership meetings

Co-oping Requirements:


Two's Class: Co-op 1 day every other week or as required to maintain a 1:3 adult/child ratio.


Three's Class: Co-op 1 day every other week or as required to maintain a 1:4 adult/child ratio.


Four's Class: Co-op 1 day every other week or as required to maintain a 1:4 adult/child ratio.


Snacks & Lunch:

Parents provide a packed snack and/or lunch for their child on a daily basis. Children in the 2s class have one meal time. Children in the 3s and 4s classes have one set lunch time with an optional snack time. 


SSNS is a nut-free school. Please do not pack nuts or packaged products that contain nuts or nut extracts in your child's lunches or snacks. A number of children enrolled at SSNS have severe allergies to nuts.


Field Trips:

Parents co-oping when a field trip is scheduled are expected to drive a group of children. Additional drivers are also needed. We encourage families to volunteer for this on an occasional basis.Our program allows children to learn through play and to create an environment that is supportive and stimulating. Our goal is to help children to develop a healthy sense of identity and self-esteem by discovering their emotional, intellectual, physical and social strengths.

Important Documents

for member parents only

Parent Education

Parenting Workshops
Throughout the year, SSNS offers workshops to help parents improve their parenting skills. Recent workshops have included Siblings Without Rivalry and How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk, both based on the books by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish.


Guest Speakers
At the January and March membership meetings, the school presents expert speakers on a variety of subjects as requested by the parents each year. Topics such as Positive Discipline, Power Struggles, and Kindergarten Readiness have been covered in the past.


Parent Education Library
Silver Spring Nursery School has a growing library of parenting books available to the membership. As a member, you can check out the books and take them home or look them over at the school while your child is in class.

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